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9 year old boxer with low platlet count

19 15:56:04

Hi Nicole.
I have a 9 year old male boxer,Elvis. He was having some nasal discharge about a week ago and I took him to the vet (not my normal vet as he was booked solid). On that day he had a 103 temp. and they did blood work. I took him back today and they told me his platelet count was low. They started him on Clindamyacin initially. Today the vet told me he could have a tick born disease, an immunosuppressed disease (?), or possibly cancer. She did a thorough exam and we did find one small skin growth on his right chest near his leg. SHe put him on Doxycycline and Prednisone. THe only symptoms he has is terrible gas (worse over the last several weeks), noticeable increase in drinking water a few weeks ago and two or three "accident's" that are very unusual for him. She did more blood work today to see what his platelet count is doing. He acts fine. What do you think. He is the only boxer I have ever had and I know that they are prone to Cancer. Should I take him back to my regular vet?



Hi Leslie,

I've not gone through this, knock on wood, with any of my dogs so I don't have any medical advice for you.  I would, however, take him in for a second opinion, whether it's your regular vet or another.

The excess water intake and urination are likely due to the Prednisone (steroid) if it started after he began the medication.  What would make me nervous about this vet is the 'could haves' rather than helping you pinpoint an illness.

Putting a dog on so many medications for unknown problems just isn't something I would be comfortable with.  

I wish you all the luck!!