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Christmas Tree Problem

19 15:58:15

Dodger, our 6 mo juvenile male boxer, is intrigued with our Christmas tree decorations. When we put up the tree, I was sure to correct him when ever he came close to the tree or when he became fixated with any of the decorations. I correct him by snapping my fingers, and if needed, giving him a sharp claw like tap on the neck or hind quarters. This technique has worked well for me and has taught him to leave our shoes, kids toys, clothes etc. alone. After spending two solid days of watching over him and correcting him, I thought we were well on our way to leaving the tree alone. When I came home from work on Monday, any of the decorations he could reach, were spread out on the floor and destroyed. Now, to my question. When I am home, he will not go near the tree, but when I am not home, he destroys it. What can I do to make him understand that when I am not home, the tree and decorations are off limits?


Hi!  I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to give you this're right on track!  :)

The problem've only given it 2 days.  I know you think he 'gets it' and he very well may, in your presence.  I'm going to make an educated guess here and say it took more than 2 days for him to learn to leave other items alone.  You most likely had more time to teach him and didn't pay attention to the amount of time it took.

You need to keep him away from the tree, for now, while he's not being supervised.  Continue what you're doing when he is.  While you're at work, babygate him, crate him or block off, in some manner, the room that the tree is in.  When you're home, continue to use your corrections.  Try to step up your timing a bit.  Don't wait for him to become soon as he looks at the tree, correct.

In a week or 2, you can gradually leave him alone with the tree, but even then, 8 hours is a lot to ask.  Remember, he's 6 months old.  You're more than likely not going to completely lick this problem this Christmas season.  :)  He's still learning what's his and what's not.  Next Christmas, he'll be over a year old and more mature.  He, by then, should have no question as to what's his.