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white boxers

19 15:41:32

I am considering getting a white male boxer puppy. I understand that some white boxers are deaf and that their skin is more sensitive to sun.  He is not deaf, but I would like to know if white boxers have any potential health issues that differ from those common to fawn, brindle boxers.  I am familiar with the breed and owned a fawn female who lived to the ripe old age of 13.

You do have to put sun screen on them if outside in the sun for longer than a normal pee.

And, they are more prone to skin cancers due to the lack of pigmentation-- however, that is not a guarantee that it will occur.

Their eyes are more sensitive even though brown like any Boxer.

They can become deaf- so not being born deaf is no guarantee, but not the norm at all. So, I would not worry about that. That generally is when white is bred with white, thus, increasing the "white" gene.

It takes both parents to carry the recessive white gene to produce a white offspring, which is not as common as people think. One parent can carry the gene and the other does not, and no white puppies. Your pup will probably carry the white gene, so do not allow him to breed.

AKC and the Boxer Association is against breeding white Boxers because of that. If everyone did breed their white Boxer, then the gene pool will be contaminated with the recessive white gene more than it already is.

White Boxers (especially ones with the fawn circle around an eye) are adorable and no different than any other Boxer-- they're just white.

I do not think there is any more issue with a white one than fawn or brindle, but watch for food allergies to be sure.

Congratulations on your new puppy!