Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > what to do for a boxers capped lips??

what to do for a boxers capped lips??

19 15:54:18

hi jennifer,

 well my two boxers got out the fence the other morning and my males lips are horrable chapped it looks like hes wearing he loves to play with sticks and every time i let them outside he comes bac in and his lips are bleeding...i tryed healing lip balm && petroleum jelly but he just licks it right bac off...what should i do??

      ...:thank you so much for your time:...
                  amber star*

Hi Amber,

Chapped lips can be difficult to heal.  Excessive licking can lead to or aggravate chapped lips, so while the balm itself may help, his licking it off may exacerbate the problem.  The best thing to do is to control the situation so that he can't keep re-injuring them.  That may mean you need to pick up the sticks from the yard for a while, or only let him out when you're with him and can keep him from playing with them.  

Good luck!