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I was just wondering

19 15:40:26

Hello my name is Kaitlin Sweet and i own a boxer and shes great we love her to death. Shortly after we got our dog my parent decided to adopted a boxer as well and everything has been going great but i got a phone call and my father said their boxer has white dots like things almost like a zit in his mouth. He is healthy, active and still eats fine I have been looking on the internet and haven't come across anything like what it looks like so i was just wondering if this is just like a fat deposits on his lips on the inside of his mouth? He isn't quit a year yet and I no he still has to grow so I was just wondering If there was oral problem that this may be?

Hi Kaitlin,

It could be any number of things, but the most likely issue from what you describe is canine papilloma virus -- oral warts, basically. (A vet visit will give you a definitive diagnosis, of course.) The growths tend to resemble sea anemone as they get bigger.

There's no real treatment -- since it's viral, antibiotics are ineffective -- but the warts usually go away on their own in a few months. Some people have reported success using the homeopathic remedy Thuja, 30C potency, giving 1 pellet and then waiting, following up with another pellet in a couple of weeks if the warts are still there.  You can typically get Thuja pellets at a health food store; it may or may not work for this specific case but it's not likely to hurt anything.

Watch for changes in the growths -- if they turn red/inflamed, start bleeding, or start to interfere with his eating then a vet visit is definitely in order -- there could be a secondary infection, or something else going on.

Here's a bit more information:

Good luck!