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Head shaking

19 15:54:04

My 3 1/2  year old boxer has developed a head bob or shaking as he comes out of sleep.At times it is uncontrollable >>Is  this a sign of  something bad>>

It may be mild seizure activity, or it may be head tremors which are purely benign.  For the latter, some have found that giving Karo syrup or peanut butter will stop the tremors.  I'd suggest you keep a journal to track when the tremors happen - any certain time of day, food, treats, location, etc., that might be a trigger.  I've known some people who have correlated tremors with low blood sugar, anesthesia, medications, vaccinations, and even the dog sleeping on an electric blanket.  

There is a good article here about head tremors, and the difference between tremors and seizure activity: