Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Beagles > Is my Beagle rare ... because of her unique facial marking?

Is my Beagle rare ... because of her unique facial marking?

19 14:55:11

Sweetie, the Beagle
Sweetie, the Beagle  
Hello Have4Paws.  I just rescued this very, very dear Beagle, 4 months ago, who's name is, most appropriately ... SWEETIE !   I am enclosing a photo of her very unique marking of her lovely face. It seems to be a "top of a heart" above her eyes.  I am wondering where this marking comes from ... for I have never seen it.  If you have any information on markings of this sort, I would very much appreciate your knowledge. Thanks very much. In great appreciation, Karen Karlsson

Hi thanks for writing to me. What a cutie she is and how lucky for her to have someone love her and give her a new life. As far as the heart shape --- that is typical beagle, especially as they age and the face becomes white. All three of mine have/had it. Good luck with your girl!! :)