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Wont play fair!

19 15:04:13

Hi there,

We have a ten month old beagle, McKiever.
Naturaly he loves to play. The problem is he always wants to play keep away with the ball/stick. I'm starting to run out of patience trying to get him to return with the toy so I can throw it.
Thanks you so much for your time!

Hi, thanks for writing. I am a bit confused because I know I answered this question yesterday yet when I look for the answer I sent in it isn't there so I guess I will have to do it again. Must be an glitch!

Playing keep away is a fun game for McKiever. I am willing to bet that you chase after himto try and get the ball/stick, right? Unfortunately if so you have inadvertently reinforced this behavior and he thinks this is the way to play. Never, ever chase your dog when you want to get something from him or him to come to you....always run the OTHER way and he will follow!!!

In addition if he has not mastered the "come" command to begin with he won't be bringing the ball back either. At ten months it is time for obedience classes. If he has done it, then do it again because he missed out on the 2nd most important command he will ever learn (the first being SIT)  If he has yet to go, it is time. Once he has mastered "come" then you can work on "Drop it" for when he does come and bring the ball. And by the way, no amount of punitive measures will ever get him to comply (with anything actually).

Lastly, every time he does come to you please lavishly praise him. Calling him to you should always be for something positive, NEVER for anything negative or punitive or he will not want to do it consistently. He will come to not trust what is going to happen when he gets there and be very tentative about doing it and other times just won't. So, always positive end result with lots and lots of praise.

Hope this helps and feel free to contact me again with any
further questions or concerns. Good luck!