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Whines all the time....

19 14:55:57

I have a Beagle puppy who is over a year old. We have had for her for about six months and she constnatly whines. She goes to the front door and whines even if she doesn't have to go out. Whines if we shut a door on her even for a few minutes (like the bathroom door or the bedroom door). Whines if we take our attention away from her for a few minutes. Whines and howls if we walk out the front door. She will be happy as can be and then suddenly will start whining, if we tell her to be quiet or stop she will for a few minutes and then start up again. We are slowly losing our minds!! Help!  

Hi thanks for writing, this is a training issue. She has somehow been reinforced for this behavior by getting your attention when doing it. You may not have intentionally done this but just the same it has shown her that the whining gets attention. You need to ignore this behavior and not go to her, pick her up or otherwise allow her to gain your attention. 6 months old is also old enough to begin a puppy kindergarten class which would be very helpful in teaching her appropriate behaviors.