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Owning 2 beagles...?

19 15:00:16


My parents own two basset hounds for 13 years now.  I love their personalities but want a smaller dog, so I decided that beagles would be a good choice for me.  However, I know that beagles (like bassets) tend to bay A LOT.  Because beagles HATE being alone, I was thinking that might be reduced if I had 2.

I am single and I work full-time, but only a few minutes from home so that I can be back for lunch.  I have a few friends who would be helping me care for/train them in the first few months they are home, but eventually they will need to get used to being left alone for 4-5 hours a day without driving my neighbors nuts.

So, to reiterate, do you think that having two will help curb the baying, or will it just make it worse?

H Cj, my best answer is not going to be very definative. Having two "could" work and it "could" produce two barkers. Hoping that you beagle won't bay is kind of asking them to not do what they are bred to do. It is obviously possible to train them to not be excessive barkers, it will take come consistent training, but you will never train the bark/bay out of them. Maybe this isnt the right breed for you?