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Off leash

19 15:00:32

I have a 1 1/2 old neutered male beagle. I have taken him to obedience training and does well on a leash. When he is off the leash he ignores my command to come. I have read many articles stating that beagles need to be tied or fenced because of their strong smelling instict and running is a problem. Is there any way to train him or do I have to accept this as being characteristic of the breed?

Hi Joanie,

Sorry for the delay in writing back!  Your question is the exact one I asked my first trainer with my first beagle 16 years ago ..... the majority of the answer is unfortunately going to be accept it. I say the majority because in some perfect world somewhere there could be someone who spends every minute of every day training their beagle and could possibly train the instinct out of them! Realistically their genetics are so hard wired that it is unlikely that you or I will ever achieve this feat. I was able at one point to have mine off leash but it still had to be in a dog park or large fenced property. I could get them to come back to me 90% of the time with much training but there was always the possibility of a scent or animal that superceded my commands. This breed above most others is as I said hardwired to follow their nose, it is as if their brain is in their nose instead of their head. But if you think about this is exactly what they were bred for, the rabbit hunts and to be let loose to track. They could train them to come back at the sound of the horn but that was as a pack and the Alpha of the pack was trained well enough to listen so the rest of the pack instinctivey followed.

The best suggestion I can give you is do off leash training in an area that is somehow contained even if it is at the farthest perimeters but that at least he cannot escape. Then use whatever food is his favorite and use it ONLY when you are doing off leash training so it keeps its novelty and heightens his desire to obey you. The 2nd most important thing to a beagle after following his nose is food so at least we have that to take advantage of!

Good luck and feel free to check back anytime!