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Licking a sore

19 15:00:11

QUESTION: My nine year old beagle had a small lump on her dew claw. She started chewing and licking it a week or so ago. It's now an open sore about the size of a dime! How do I get her to stop?

ANSWER: It sounds like she may have a small infection. The best thing to do at this point is to take her to her vet. Because she is going to keep on licking at it, unfortunately there is no way to tell her to stop. It doesn't sound serious unless you see signs of inflammation, or bleeding. She could have possibly gotten a cut and it just may have gotten infected by her chewing on it. My best advice is to take her to the vet so they can check it out, and possibly bandage it up for you. Or if you would like to bandage it up yourself you can, but thats not going to make it go away. Get the material gauze and wrap it around the first part of her paw up until where the joint bends. But like I mentioned it doesn't sound serious. I hope everything works out, if you need anymore help don't hesiatate to ask me again. My best to you Jack Parish

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I had the vet look at it. He didn't think it was anything serious, but had no suggestion for getting her to stop licking and chewing it. He said once a dog starts that it's sometimes impossible to make them stop. I wrap it but she chews that off. Seeing as the sore area is getting larger with her chewing at it I am going to buy her a muzzle, the plastic "cage" type that she can still drink through. I'll put that on her when I can't keep an eye on her.
There is also a wrap that is flavored to deterr chewing. I'm going to put that on her when she's not wearing her muzzle.

That's good that its not serious. I hate that you have to put a muzzle on her. Thats true when they start chewing its hard to get them to stop. I had someone come in to the vet office today and her dog had a sore on its front paw we wrapped it and put a cone on it until it cleared up. If you feel better about using a cone ask your vet. I know mine will give them if its a danger involved. Best wishes to you and your beagle, if you have anymore questions please ask me again. Thanks and good luck.