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dog waste

19 15:02:35

how do I keep my beagle from eating feces? She is old (about 13) started doing this awhile ago  I have tryed scolding, removing her, etc etc. She goes to the vet regularly just had a check up.  I am very concerned about this behavior and need to stop it pleae help!!!

You didn't say who's feces she is eating. Is it her own? Another dogs? cats? or other animals? Either way your concern is valid. Eating feces can expose your dog to parasites or diseases.
No one is sure why dogs do this. It was believed it was due to poor diet but, is now mainly considered dog scavenger behavior.
If she is eating her own there are products you can get from a pet store to add to her food. The addivites make her feces less appealing.
If it is another animals you can put a store bought product directly on it or lemon juice or hot sauce to make it less appealing. But, find out what she doesn't like. One of my dogs loves lemons. When she learns that feces isn't tastey keep her area clean 0f any waste. But, beagles are smart and she may realize which waste has the untastey condiments and which ones do not.
The habit is easier to prevent then to cure but, you can train her to leave feces alone. Keep her on a lease outside and when you pass feces and she goes for it snap the lease and tell her "No" or "off". If she has a contained outside yard besure to keep it clean of any waste.
Also, get her some doggie breath mints. =)
I hope this helps.
Fellow beagle lover,
