Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Beagles > can we change any of this behaviour???

can we change any of this behaviour???

19 14:59:58

Hi there, what a great website, I have learnt alot! I have never spent so much time on the internet since getting our beagle one week ago - I am learning alot about beagles and they all sound the same! He is 7years old. We have recently moved to a lifestyle block so had room for a dog and wanted a very gentle one to help my daughter get over her dog phobia, as well as a dog to have a great time running around with our four children and become one of the family. He is a very gentle boy - sleeps on my daughter's bed and puts up with all the boisterous affection my one year old throws at him BUT some of his behaviour is quite stressful. 1)He has to sniff all the counters and tables as soon as he comes into the house, and eats anything on them he finds, even jumped up to eat out of a bowl. 2) He smells AWFUL. I bathed him which only helped a little. I now realise its because he eats manure whenver he cat get at it - cat, goat, sheep, cow ANYTHING and he is desperate for it. 3) Can't take our eyes off him as he is oblivious to us calling him back, which is a pain when we have a couple of paddocks. 4) Howls and throws himself at the door when shut out. I know that all these behaviours are common in beagles so my question is ...can we change any of this, especially given that he is 7 years old and obviously set in his ways. In many ways he is fantastic and the ideal pet but these issues are really impinging on my enjoyment of him. Thanks so much.

Hi Sophie, yes you can teach an old dog new tricks! BUT it depends on how much time you are willing to put into doing this. So here goes, and by the way kudos to you for rescuing him, he is very lucky!

1) Beagles are notorious counter surfers and probably the kings of it. They live to eat and their brain is really in their nose ! :) They will eat until they explode if allowed. So.... just like you did when your kids are young you must dog proof the house. Especially in the kitchen. Obviously he has been allowed this behavior for 7 years as he sounds like an expert at it. You cannot leave food out on a counter and not expect him to want it. So first an foremost put stuff away or at the very least push it back to the point he cannot access it in any way...better yet get an expansion gate and keep him out of the kitchen altogether if possible!, I have had every kind of beagle , one that could jump up on the counters, one that could open the trash compactor with his foot and he is why I bought the compactor to keep him out of the trash), one that could surf along and pull stuff off. Finally with my last one who almost died from eating chicken bones a few months ago gated off the kitchen. No more issues!

2)If bathing him isn't removing the stink I wonder if he has skin conditions. It can take a few baths to get the kennel stink out of them if they have been in a shelter or kennel for a while. If a couple more baths don't work take him to the vet. Also I recommend to everyone who has a beagle to start them on DermCaps (omega fatty acids and fish oils) as beagles are highly allergic dogs and often need these supplements for life, it build beautiful coats and can help with any skin issues. As far as his breath, yeah that is a tough one, the vet will encourage you to brush his teeth regularly, if you can that is the best thing. They also sell breath mints for dogs. Giving him rawhide and other chewies will also help. ALL dogs LOVE the poop of other animals and beagles being the noses they are have radar.

3) This boy needs obedience training. Get signed up somewhere asap because beagles will run away if a smell comes their way. They are NEVER 100% reliable off leash but you can get them to the point where a treat will lure them to obey. Beagles need treats as rewards forever. As I said before food is their #1 motivation.

4) Beagles are pack animals, they will adapt to a human pack as readily as a canine pack. They are NOT good loners and dont want to be alone. They are extremely social animals and need the companionship of others. Obviously it is not possible to be with them 100% of the time. THis is when you pull out the "special treats". Get a "KONG" and fill it with peanut butter or a treat or use a "Buster Cube" and it will take them hours to get it out if you do it well. Only give these to him when you are locking him out or going away so he comes to look forward to it and it remains a novelty.

Hope this helps! good luck with your boy!