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Power Chewer Beagle

19 15:01:56

I have an 18month old female beagle.  I have purchased all sorts of toys to try to find something  to keep her occupied and still safe.  She is what I call a power chewer -- in less than 5 minutes she can destroy a Kong Extreme toy.  Is there anything I can get that she can chew safely?  I found one bone toy that she cannot destroy and she refuses to chew on it.... I don't want to give her chew treats (food) continually, because I don't want to have an overweight beagle.  I am looking for some strong quality toys that will last not end up in shreds on my floor.   Any suggestions.

Hello Wendy!
It sounds like our beagles are from the same littler. My beagle does the same thing. I think you are making a wise decision by not feeding her treats. Its very easy to get a overweight beagle. The best thing you can do is go out and buy either rawhide bones, the cheapest toys you can get, or a old shoe. You beagle maybe having some gum trouble, possible late teething. Rawhide bones will fix a lot of that. Also go to wal-mart or just a market and buy the cheapest squeak toys you can find. Beagles love the high pitched squeaky noise. The Kong toy in my opinion is over rated for a beagle because they love to chew in general. Buy those things and if things have not cleared up in a month or so I would see her veterinarian for a possible gum infection or late teething. Chewing is never really serious unless the furniture is being chewed. If you need anymore help please don't hesitate to ask! Good luck and I hope for the best.