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15-year-old beagle barking

19 14:55:14

Hello -

I have a 15-year-old beagle who is slowing down predictably. Doesn't run; can't climb stairs. She is very sweet and has never growled at or bitten a soul, and she has two other dog companions in the house - a pit bull and a Yorkie. All are spayed females; the pit and the Yorkie are both about 2 years old. We take them to the dog park every day. The beagle and the Yorkie share a large indoor pen; they always have water, food, and frequent treats (ok, I am indulgent). This past week the beagle has taken to barking ALL THE TIME when in the pen. She has been fed, watered, given treats, let out into the yard four or five times, given treats, etc. But she continues to yowl/bark. She seems to be in no pain. What gives? She is driving me crazy! Thank you.

Hi thanks for writing to me. At this age things begin to go south quickly unfortunately. Have you noticed any staring into space or acting like maybe she doesnt know where she is for a second? It is not unusual for senior dogs to get some dementia and they sometimes feel confused or alone. They become much more clingy and want to be with you as your smell tells them you are near and everything is ok. She may be scared and having some separation anxiety. Dogs are weird in that they can be in pain, whether physical or psychic and they will do whatever they can not to show it as instinct tells them showing weakness might get them hurt. If she hasnt been seen by the vet just to make absolutely sure there is no medical issues she should be. I have had two beagles who lived to 15 as well and they were great fakers, only figured out stuff was wrong when vet found it. In the meantime try keeping her close by if you can which is reasurring to her and make sure there is no medical issues unseen going on.