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Lab Beagle

19 14:55:18

Hi I am going to adopt an 18 month old female beagle in the next few weeks. This is a lab dog that has never been used. She has been in kennels at the lab with her 6 sisters for a long time and not allowed outside. My daughter is the only one who has seen her. She said she is very calm. Did not bark at all, put her paw on her knee and sat on her lap for cuddles without going mad or anything.
I know this is a rare situation but would appreciate any advice. Obviously i am going to have to potty train her and train her in just being in the outside world in general. I am hoping from my daughters description that she is calm in temperament. I have cats and i hope she will be friendly with them also given their hunting instinct.
Like i said any advice would be appreciated.
thank you

Kudos to you for helping save this wonderful girl! My best advice is to contact The Beagle Freedom Project - who have experience in rehabilitating beagles who were in lab situations and getting advice from them. Good Luck with your new girl!