Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Beagles > 1 yr old Beagle wont sleep through the night.

1 yr old Beagle wont sleep through the night.

19 15:00:41

I have a 1 year old Beagle who most nights won't sleep through the night. We walk her a couple times when we get home from work, play with her a lot before bed but it doesn't seem to help. She will wake up at about 3:30 am we take her out and then an hour later she gets up again. She does sleep in bed with us at night because when she was about 6 months old she was still getting up a lot in her crate. She was doing better by sleeping with us but now it has started again! We thought this stage was over!!!! Please help!

HI, thanks for writing! THis is a first for me hearing this. I really don't have any idea on this one except that it is not normal and wondering if you have talked to your vet about alternatives to getting her to sleep at night. Sorry I couldnt be helpful on this one!