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Howling Crated Beagle

19 15:01:29

I have a year and a half old Beagle. He was a rescue dog, the people that first had him tied him out with no food or water and beat him. Unfortunately, my boyfriend and I both work, so Buddy has to get crated for a few hours (never more than 5). However, he howls like satan is chasing him, and will sometimes mess in his crate. If I put anything over top of it, he pulls it in and rips it to shreds. Other than this he's an amazing dog, and the most loving dog I've ever had. I live in an apartment, and although my landlady is amazing and won't evict me for it (I think), I'd rather not push it. Plus, my neighbours must HATE me. He only ever howls when left alone, and I'm really not sure where to start. Any help would be much appreciated, but I cannot give him up... I can't really stomach the idea of him leaving, and possibly getting hurt again.

Well first off, thank you for rescuing Buddy, he is so lucky to have you. What a horrible life he had. This is probably part of why why he does some of the things he does, he has some serious separation anxiety.

I have one about 20 months old who has it also and I found several things that work well, especially this one.....give him intense exercise before you go out so he is exhausted. Beagles need a great deal of exercise normally but a frustrated beagle is a very destructive one. I am sure he is reacting to now finally having some real love and attention and it frightens him that he might lose it when you go out the door each time. To him it is the same as being left outside if you can understand that. I know it's hard when you work but it is important for his well being and your sanity, he needs a good vigorous walk in the AM and again when you get home. If you are unable to then hire a dog walker. I have four dogs and work fulltime, don't use a crate but I have a dog walker come everyday,
M-F and she wears them out. This has stopped all the destructive behaviors (mine has eaten sofas and chairs) and is worth every penny I pay her.

The other things are leaving a radio on, giving him chewy things, stuffed Kongs etc. These should ONLY be given tohim when you are leaving him so he thinks of it as a bonus for being left. JUst out of curiosity does he ever soil in the house when you are home? Dogs don't want to go to the bathroom where they have to eat or sleep but if they are a nervous wreck and also haven't completely emptied everything out before being put in the crate will go in it. Each time he goes in the crate you must use something like Nature's Miracle which is an enzymatic cleaner for dog wste that erases the scent. No other regular cleaning produts will get rid ot it, remember that their noses are thousands of times stronger than ours! And everytime he goes in there it reinforces him doing it the next time. Never ever punish him if he did, just clean it out and let it go, he will never understand why he is being punished so long after the fact, he will just learn to be afraid and he has a history of abuse so this is definately touchy territory.

Ok, I have written a book but hopefully it will be helpful to you. Feel free to check back anytime and good luck!