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Overweight Beagle

19 14:56:08

My wife and I just adopted a beagle for our family yesterday
from a beagle rescue here in Virginia.  She is a spayed
female  5 years of age probably a little bigger in size than
your overage beagle and weighs around 50 pounds.  I have
purchased the Iams weight control food and feed her 1 cup in
the morning and 1 cup at night.  Any suggestions what else I
can do to help her get back into shape?

Glad to hear you have adopted a beagle who I am sure is truly grateful to have a new chance at life. A 50 # beagle is grossly overweight if she is full beagle. Top end range is about 30#. I feed mine high quality food and a TOTAL of 1 1- 1/2 cups a day divided into two meals. Beagles easily get fat and it greatly shortens their life. First off your new beagle needs a full assessment by your vet to make sure there are no health issues before you start exercising. Then exercise, exercise, exercise. Your dog will let you know when it has had enough and is too tired. Beagles are extremely active dogs and need long walks and a lot of stimulation. NO HUMAN FOOD EVER!!!, Remember to account for treats in the total daily ration. Best of luck!!