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Beagle in need of retraining

19 15:02:29

Good Morning, I am glad I have found your site.  My beagle is 11 months old and we bought him from a beagle at 8 weeks, the breeder paper trained the pups, however we did not want to do that.  We have a crate for our dog and actually trained him quickly.  Up until about 1 month ago our dog had no accidents in the house or his crate.  Latley he has been peeing in his crate at night and when we leave him in there during the day (generally no more that 5 hours 3 to 4 times a week).  What can we do to stop this?  Just as an additional note, when we are home with him, we have no problems with accidents, he goes to the door to be taken out, it is just when he is left in his crate alone.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.

I would suggest that you take him to the vet for an exam. If you haven't changed the length of time that he is alone he shouldn't just start to pee in his crate.
Be sure to take him outside before YOU go to bed. If he is already asleep wake him up and take him out. And be sure to take him outside before you leave.
It sounds like he is housebroken but, can't hold it in his crate. Is there a neighbor or friend near by that may be able to take him out when you are away?
Fellow beagle lover,
