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Beagle Licking excessively

19 15:01:31

Hello, My name is Jennifer. We recently adopted a 4 1/2 year old beagle mix from the Humane Society. He has been licking at my fiance's hands, our sheets and himself excessively since we brought him home. Is this a normal behavior? Or is there anything we can do to help him stop this behavior?

HI there!

Just like human babies dogs explore objects with their mouths and tongues, since they cannot use their paws (or hands yet, in babies). In addition, they often like the salty taste of human skin, or even their lotions etc. Amongst other dogs this is a sign of bonding and affection of a sort, dogs (especially puppies) will often lick their littermates/pals. Lastly, it can also be a sign of a nervous problem. It is a little more unusual behavior in a 4 1/2 year old than in a puppy. Your best bet would be to take the dog to the vet and rule out any medical problems, and talk to the vet about a nervous/obsessive possibility. Medication may help but if this is something non-stop and purely a behavioral issue it may require a trainer to come and work with you for a few sessions to extinguish the behavior.

Good luck and feel free to check back anytime!