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frightened dog hysterical crying

19 15:01:49

My beagle has had two very traumatic experiences lately. He was badly bitten by his brother and later suffered a seizure. Both times he became hysterical, biting and growling at anyone who tried to help him and sceaming hysterically with every breath. This went on for nearly an hour both times and nothing we could do seemed to help. This was terrifying for all of us. What can we do to calm
him and safely help him if he is in trouble again?

Hello Nancy!
This sounds very traumatic. It is hard to get around a animal when they are scared because they automaically think you are going to hurt them.When this happens again (which I hope it doesn't) pour him a bowl of clean cool water, and give him a treat to let him know you are not going to hurt him. All seuizures are different and some or mild, and some or high risked. Either way the best thing to do is see a VET. for some shock medication. Its not to safe for it to have a seizure for a hour. He may have anxiety. If so then your veternarian can medicate him. It is hard to determine how to help a animal through something like that because you never know if they will or will not snap at you. My best advice would be to see a VET if he has another seizure, it could lead to something. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask! Good luck and I hope for the best!