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I have 2 Beagles, one weve...

19 15:02:30

I have 2 Beagles, one we've raised from 8 weeks, and the other we adopted 9 mths ago. Both are almost 2 yrs. Buckeye, my boy has become very destructive recently.  He is the one we've had since he was a puppy.  He has ruined 3 remotes, a sofa, numerous socks and much more. He is also becoming aggressive when he has something he is not supposed to.

My question:  What is the best way to train him not to be aggressive when trying to get something away from him?

Buckeye seems like he has become possessively aggressive.
The number one advice I have is to connect a  professional trainer in your area. This problem is serious and Buckeye should get some professional help from a trainer. Check around and compare prices.
The best thing is to keep things he is not allow to have away from him before he gets it.
You can bribe him for the item. Trade your shoe for a piece of chicken (boneless of course) or his favorite treat.
Don't encourage him. Stop tug-o-war or any game which he can win.
Is Buckeye neutered? If not it may be something to look into. Neutered male tend to be less aggressive.
Punishment will not help and make the problem worse.
But, a professional trainer would be best to help with this problem.