Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Beagles > Biting


19 15:02:31

Hi Kenny-

I have a four month old beagle named Baxter. He is an adorable little puppy but has been causing a lot of problems. He has bitten us numerous times and drawn blood a few times. It seems like he gets very riled up and then decides we are the toy and goes after us with his teeth. He has a lot of interesting toys but really likes to bite. I am worried becasue he is starting to get his adult teeth and I don't want him to be an aggressive dog. How can we prevent this? Should we kennel him when he exhibits this behavior? Any tips on how to prevent this behaviour would be helpful?


Always stop him when he bites. Tell him "No" "Bite"! and then give him a toy that he can bite instead of your hands.
You can try using a lemon on your hands or bitter spray from the pet store. Make your hands less appealing.

You can try doing what his mother and siblings would do. It sounds silly but, it has worked great for me. When Baxter bites yelp loud. Then ,cross your hands and ignore him for about 30 seconds. You can turn your back to him. If he learns that he will lose his playmate when he bites he will stop biting.