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female beagle in heat aggressive

19 14:56:22

I have two female beagles. Bella is almost 2 years old and is spayed, while the other Mika is 10 months old and just started her heat cycle. They usually get along (except on few occasions Mika would growl over food and her bed, but not all the time) now the younger one (Mika) who is in heat growls and barks whenever the other (Bella) comes around. Mika wouldn't even let Bella come inside today. My question is, do you think this new aggressiveness is only due to Mika being in heat or do you think the aggressiveness towards Bella has just escalated?

Thanks for the help

Hi Sabrina,if Mika was never aggressive before you could pretty much assume this is a natural result of her being in hea, it is common for females to be testy when they are in heat. Her "period" will last from 9-25 days. You need to do your best to keep them apart as much as possible if she is being aggressive so there are no fights where someone could get hurt. It would have been better to have had her spayed by now but you will need to wait now until this is over. It sounds though as if there were some issues prior to the heat so you really need to work on establishing yourselves (humans) as the ALPHA. If she was growling over her food that is the beginnings of food aggression which can turn into something pretty severe. Even though she is a puppy sounds like Mika may be the more dominant of the two and you do not want to encourage this behavior. Everything is a privelege for her, eating requires a sit and stay untill you release her, you should be able to put your hand in the bowl while she is eating and get no reaction, if this is not so then you are going to need to get someone to come out for a coupel sessions and work with you guys so she doesnt escalate with the aggression.