Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Beagles > Howling


19 14:56:06

I do not have a beagle although I do owe a dog. My problem is the beagle in the yard behind mine. I can not work in
the yard even if I tiptoe around without setting this dog off. Anything will make him HOWL for 10 to 20 minutes. Please
don't blame my dog she can sleep through it and is on the patio at the bottom of our hill. The problem is the owners
they will be home and do nothing. In fact they can be outside with the dog and their response is it a dog. I have tried
talking to the owners and they feel there is nothing wrong with a dog who howls for that length of time. I think it's sad
because the dog just wants to be part of their pack. But I need to know how to resolve this problem on my own since
the owners will never do anything.
I have always had labradors and never had a barking problem so I'm not sure how to handle this. Is there something
that I can install in my yard that will not hurt the dog but will eliminate his howling. Please help.

Sorry for the delay in getting to your question. Not sure I can offer much in the way of help. You could purchase an ultrasonic device that only he would hear which might interrupt the barking but your dog will hear it too.

The true facts about beagles are that they ARE more vocal than other breeds, it is inherantly bred in them to bay/howl (for hunting). When they are lonely or bored they can easily become nuisance barkers. Their hearing and smell acuity is also much stronger than msot dogs. My own beagle can hear something or smell something miles away and react. It is always a battle to keep him within the limits of acceptable barking, was really hard when I had three. The owners need to be the ones doing something by finding ways to occupy the dog, giving it vigourous walks etc or trying to train him to aceptable levels. Beagles as you know are pack animals and they do not do well alone, often having separation anxiety when they are away from their pack, human or canine. I wish I had a magic answer but unfortunately beagles require very involved and active owners for a well balanced one and there are no silent beagles that I know of... They are one of the most happy go lucky breeds but do need a lot of stimulation. Any possibility and letting him come over and play with your dog a couple times a day to wear him out?