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My Beagle Puppy is Attacking Me

19 15:02:21

I have a 9 wk old male beagle pup.  He is in this phase where he is attacking both me and my boyfriend.  Hes not just "Play" biting, and I dont feel hes "just being a puppy". These bites are hard and draw blood, and he continously does it.. he literally bruises and tears my skin, as well as leaves puncture wounds. I have hundreds.  I have tried telling him no, ouch, stop, I have tapped him on his nose (which makes him attack more) as well as holding his mouth shut. NOTHING is working.  Everyone I have talked to says this is normal, but I dont think it is.  I am literally afraid of him now.  And yes, he has thousand of chew toys.  PLEASE HELP!!

If he is trying to be dominate this does sound kinda normal but, should NOT be tolerated! If he is just been aggressive at 9 weeks this isn't normal and again should not be tolerated.
Sometimes I limit my advise because I am not sure how someone will use it but, I will not limit it here.
I think these things may help if it is dominates or aggression.
First, if this doesn't stop with in a short period I would recommend contacting a dog trainer or speaking to your local SPCA.
When he is starting to bite pick him up (no, snatch him up) and turn him over in your arms. Hold him down with your hand over his chest and belly (mostly chest but low enough that he can't bite you). Look him in his eyes (don't get close enough that he can bite you).This is a submissive position and most puppy's don't like it. BUT, he bite you so, you don't care if he likes it or not!! Hold him there until he submits and stops trying to get away. Also, wait until he turns his eyes to the side and doesn't look you in the eyes. This is another way that he is submitting. Only do this to put him in check. Don't do this when he is being good (this is a correction not a training tool). Afterward you can play with him.
Second, if you ever play games with him that he can win DON'T let him win. He can win one out of 3 times (or 1 out of 5 times to start). If you play tug of war guess who wins? YOU! If he wins these games he will gain more dominates with every win.
Third, you can grab him by the back of his neck. Don't tap his nose or hold his mouth. If you have ever seen a mother beagle correct her pups she will bite them on the back of these neck and hold them. You don't have to hurt him. Just grab a hand full of the back of his neck and hold him and tell him "NO BITE". You shouldn't have to do this for more then 10 seconds but, you can do this over and over. Soon he should know what no bite means. Tell him no bite and if he doesn't listen grab the neck.
Since he is so small now picking him up may be the best thing to prevent getting bite and being in more control.
I really hope this helps. Whatever he learns now will make him the dog he will become.
Fellow beagle lover,
