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Small beagle

19 15:04:06

I rescued a beagle a year ago.She has had some health problems. A lot of trips to to the vets. the problems are well under control now. She is so small in build. She has the perfect markings of a beagle and so does her sister. She weighs around 13, 14 pounds.Is there a smaller breed of beagles? i have searched the internet about this. the only thing i came up with is she might have been poorly bred. would you please give me some input on this? thank you

There are two sizes of beagles recognized by the AKC, 13 inch and 15 inch. Check out the AKC or National Beagle Club on line. Just use a search engine to find them. I believe that as you suspect it may be due to previous health problems as well which could have affected her growth rate combined with substandard breeding. This does not mean that she isn't wonderful and special in her own way. My two beagles are "field" beagles and one of them is way bigger than the 15" standard. Despite both being AKC registered, mine would be looked down on by those who show beagles as defective. Still they are perfect in my eyes! :)

Hope this helps to calm your concerns.