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Beagle Noises

19 15:01:45

Hello from Japan!  I have a 4 year old neutered male beagle.  We got him when
he was 3 years old as a rescue, so we aren't sure of his prior history.  I have
plenty of experience with other breeds (shelties, manchester terriers, bichon,
frises, poodles, labs), but this is my first beagle.

He barks or whatnot as normal dogs do, and maybe less than I've heard
beagles do, but he seems to snort/grunt/snore (while awake) often, almost
like he's trying to talk... and he talks a lot.  He's been doing this since we
rescued him, and it seems voluntary so I don't think it is caused by a health
problem, though he does reverse sneeze every now and then.

Is this a normal thing for a beagle?  I heard beagles are noisy, but I didn't
realize they did epic amounts of monologuing rather than barking.  It's not so
annoying except of course if we are watching a movie... like the annoying guy
at the theater talking through the entire film:-P   It's quite comical most
times, but I'm wondering how strange this is or if this may be a sign of a
health problem?  During the day he's not so loud, but at night he and my
husband snore very very loudly, about the same loudness in fact.

Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated!

Hello Beccee!
I want to start off by apoligizing for me taking so long to answer, my computer had to be worked on. Usually when people say beagles make a lot of noise they usually only mean barking and crying. Your beagle may have one of two things. One, is kennel cough which would make hime snort, grunt and cough. Its basically mucas collected in the throat that can not pass. You would need to see your veternarian. Another thing could be he may be allergic to pollen because it is that time of the season and i'm not sure exactly where you are located but I have heard it is pretty bad everywhere. I would reccomend seeing your vet. I hope I have helped, if you need anything else don't hesitate to ask anything else that you may have forgotten. Good luck and I hope for the best.