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My Beagle Ran Away

19 14:56:44

My 4 year old beagle ran away about 2 months ago. When he went my family and I searched extremely hard. We put signs up all over town, and went door to door handing out fliers, we had it put on the local radio station and on one that is pretty popular right now. We also looked every day and went searching through the woods. We had an electric fence for him at home, but he was really smart so he knew when it was off and that how he escaped. As I said he is really smart so I think if he could he would have found his way home by now. What do I do? I cant keep feeling so helpless. He was my world, and always will be. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD DO NOW!! :(

Hi Courtney, I am so very sorry to hear about this, I know how it would devastate me to have one of mine run away and not get him back. The hard part with a beagle is that their nose is their real brain and they will follow whatever scent catches their fancy. He could be so far away by now that he has no clue how to get home. Electric fences, as you have found out the hard way, seldom work for a beagle, they are smart and persistent and will test it until they find it's weakness or understand how it works (like when it is is off)The fact that appear to be woods right by you doesn't bode well for him and it is doubtful he could survive well in the wild. The only other thing I can suggest is oontacting shelters and humane rescues in your area to see if he ended up with one of them somehow. You didnt mention if he was microchipped or not? If so a vet, shelter or rescue could identify him. I feel so bad for you and my heart is just breaking for your loss, this is tough to take.