Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Beagles > 4 year old beagle doesnt eat dog food

4 year old beagle doesnt eat dog food

19 14:59:50

QUESTION: What human food can a beagle eat without any health problems?

ANSWER: Hi thanks for writing. You didnt give me any details on WHY your beagle isnt eating dog food but the answer to your question is that there is NO HUMAN FOOD A BEAGLE CAN EAT WITHOUT HEALTH PROBLEMS!

Dogs have different dietary requirements than we do as humans, there are many foods that are not digestable by them due to lack of enzymes, too much protein, too much fat, and some that are even toxic etc. Thousands of years ago being able to eat "natural" food has nothing to do with today's domesticated highly bred dog and the proper nutrition they require. In fact, feeding your dog human food can severely shorten it's life, especially beagles who are prone to being overweight and will eat until they burst.

How about writing to me and telling me why yours wont eat dog food and let's work on gettin ghim to because this is what is best for him. Of course, I am talking about a good quality food not something from teh grocery store. I look forward to hearing back from you!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My dog the beagle wont take any dog food.Before we got him at the pound he was a stray and with all the scars on him they suspect he was on the street for a while.Weve tried feading him dog can food and that hard stuff but he refuses it all.So what type of food can we feed him?

Ok, you can still get him to eat it though. First off as I said he needs a good quality food. He should be fed twice a day and never just given a bowl of food that is always down. This type of feeding creates picky eaters and obese beagles because they will keep eating. Give him about 1/3 to 1/2 cup at each feeding, put the bowl down for 10 minutes. If he doesnt eat it or all of it pick it up and he is given NO FOOD until the next meal and you repeat the same. The key is that you CANNOT give him ANY other food inbetween EVER!! or he will hold out. It may take a few feedings before he gets the picture but I guarantee you he won't starve doing this for a couple days. He will eventually eat because he will be hungry. If you go through two successive days,( 4 meals) with him not budging at all then he needs to see the vet immediately as something else is wrong, he may have an intestinal blcokage or other maladie. And remember that fresh water should ALWAYS be available to him. Try this and let me know how it goes.