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Housebreaking my puppies

19 15:01:50

I have a 6 mo old male Beagle, and a 5 mo old Beagle/Boston Terrier female. We recently moved to a farm house (we lived in an apartment on the 3rd floor before). They will urinate outside 85% of the time. I take them out after they eat, and when they wake up and before we go to bed, and before I leave etc, including 2 hr outside times daily. Usually they'll go pee outside, but sometimes they won't and then they'll come back in and go right in front of me. So I bring them back out, but this still happens. Also, they refuse to defacate outside. I even caught my girl right when she was about to go and took her out for 30 mins, walking around, running etc. and she wouldn't go, I tried bringing her back in and out 3 more times, and she still wouldn't go outside. As soon as I turn my back for a second, she goes (same with male). I've tried bringing their potty pads out, bringing their used potty pads out, bringing them out with their mess right after they did it. I refuse to rub their noses in it, or spank them for it because I think that's wrong. If you have any tips please let me know. Thanks

Hello Tina!
Beagles are the hardest dog to train. So, what you are going through with them are normal. It takes a lot of work. I am going to give you a website of a tool that I use for my beagle to help her go outside, since you said the pads weren't working. Its a hydrant and it has a very strong smell that attracts them. Because I live in a apartment but I have a big bricked in patio and I put it in the corner and she will use it every time. It was a miracle because nothing else as working. Its not exspensive and like I said it works great. Besides that it sounds like eveything you are doing is right compleatly. Except for the way you scold them. I have seen cases when people rub there noses in it, it makes them feel they are doing something right, opposed to wrong. When they have a accident say NO! firmly and point your finger at them and they will learn with your tone they are doing something wrong. Also try to get a sandbox and hide the pads under the sand. My brother does this with his beagle and it works everytime. We look at as being a litter box, but it works. Its hard to give advice on this because you are doing everything right, it is just taking some more time. Beagles are very VERY hard to train.  At 6 months and they are getting it 85% they are doing better than the avarage beagle. Beagles aren't usually fulle trained until a year or a year and a half. I will list the webiste below, and if have any more questions on what to do don't hesitate to ask. I want to apoligize for not giving all the advice you may have wanted, but you truly are doing everything you are supposed to do it is taking a while for them to grasp it, but at six months at 85% you should be proud. Good luck and I hope for the best.