Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Beagles > Beagles


19 14:55:29

Hello, my mom is allergic to dogs and she told me to find a hypoallergenic dog and i really want a beagle , is a beagle a hypoallergenic dog?


No unfortunately there is no such thing as a hypoallergic dog and beagles do shed. The closest you can come is a poodle which is the LEAST allergic for most people, instead of fur they have hair that grows like ours and seldom shed. Or a Chinese Crested that has no hair except maybe on the top of their head, but you should know that it isnt really the hair itself that people are allergic to, it is mostly the dry skin flakes that come off the dogs and lie on and in the fur, called dander. This is a normal part of skin shedding, even people do it. ANd since all animals shed there is no getting around it. Poodles as I said have almost none or no shedding if brushed regularly therefore there is less dead skin falling off them or lying on them.