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breathing problems

19 15:02:33

I adopted Lucy from the local animal shelter and two weeks later she developed kennel cough, when she had it she would have these breathing attacks where she seemed like she couldn't breath through her nose. That was 6 months ago and she still every so often has these attacks. I've asked my vet and he doesn't know about anything like this, he you ever heard of anything like this.

It sounds like Lucy is having what people call a reverse sneeze or reverse cough. It kinda looks like an asthma attack and the dog will stop, and make a funny snout sound and attempt to suck in air. This can seem scary and frighten the owner. But, it is common in beagles and scent dogs. It is not a harmful condition and has no ill health problems. It is believed it is do to the sensitive noses on the dog.
If Lucy seems normal before and after the attack I wouldn't worry. Most of the time it will be over before you even get to the dog. But, if you put your hand over the dogs nose for a second it will shorten the attack or stop it. Some people believe that if it you rub the dogs throat it will make the dog swallow and stop it. I haven't tried this. I had a beagle that would do this ever time we went on a walk. I rushed her to the vet do to her "asthma attack". The vet described to me what she was doing. I said "YES, that's what she is doing". My vet just chuckled and explained what was happening and put my fears to rest. As my beagle got older she stopped doing it.

Fellow beagle lover,
