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2 year old Beagle weight

19 15:01:56

We have a 2 year old Beagle. She seems to be a little bit chunky!! What is the ideal weight for her at this age? We've been feeding her Natures Choice dry dog food from Pet Smart.What is a good dog food for her. Should we give her any treats? We are giving her 2- 99at free treats a day. She weighs about 35 lbs. Thank you!! Kelly

Hello Kelly!
There are a couple of options that you can do. There are two foods I would try Science Diet and Purina OM. Probably Purina OM first because it is better, but sometimes it can be hard to find at places, but petsmart should have it. Second, I would cut all treats out just the temptations is risky. Give her a good walk schedule where she can get some exercise. If you don't see any improvement within one or two months you should see a veterinarian for a better diet regiment and the exact food for her and possible medication, the only reason I say that is because that quite overweight, but it is a tendency in beagles so it can be fixed. Make sure she has water at her service all day long, she might be able to let off some of the weight in fluid form. I hope I have helped you, if you need anything else don't hesitate to ask. Good luck!