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potty training an older beagle (female)

19 15:02:22

Hello Kenny,

About 5 months or so ago our family adopted a female beagle.  They figured she was over a year or so old.  Over-all she has been a great pet, but we can't seem to break her from going potty in the house.  Last night she wet on my bed.  We can tell that she has been abused in the past and we want to make sure that we don't scold her in the wrong ways.  We don't want to give her back, but we are getting very frustrated.  Can you help?

First, I think it's great that you are concerned about her past abuse and you sound like a great beagle owner. Any beagle owner can relate with your frustration about housebreaking.
The good news is that she is more mature and has more control of her bladder then a pup. The bad news is she has learned that she can go potty in the house.
The best way to potty train her is to catch her doing right and praise her. When you take her outside tell her "go potty" and praise her when she does. You can give her treat and tell her how good she is.
Does she sleep in your bed? Did she wet your bed while she was sleeping in it? If so, this is very odd. I would recommend taking her to the vet.
Remember, there will be accidents. Be sure to clean any accident with an enzyme cleaner to remove any scent of it. If she starts to go in the house say (don't yell) "Stop it" then take her outside and tell her to go potty. Then, praise her. The more times she goes potty outside the closer she will be to being housebroken.
Until you can trust her keep all the doors closed (bathroom, bedrooms, den) and make sure she is in the same room as you. She will not go when you are there or watching her. She will go when you leave the room or answer the phone.
Where does she stay when you are not at home? Be sure to take her outside before you leave. Don't give her free run of the house until she is totally housebroken. Limit her to a small area. Put her bed or blanket there and turn the radio on for her.

Fellow beagle lover,
