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kennel training

19 15:02:20

on the subject of house-broken... at night, when he is in the kennel, he doesn't go to the bathroom, but he is only in the it for approx. 5-6 hours.  during the day, he could be in it anywhere from 7-9 hours, depending on our work schedules.  the answer to your question about him chewing on things.  YES!  he chews on absolutely everything that he is not supposed to.  we have so many toys for him, people come over and say that he is spoiled because of all the toys he has.  it just seems like the things that he is not supposed to chew on are what interest him the most.  
  my husband is against him sleeping with us, whereas, i have no problem with it.  if i read your email correctly, if we were to, basically, give him a choice, at night, of his kennel or our bed, he would definately choose our bed and my husband doesn't want to start that...

Followup To

Question -
i have a beagle that is about 6 1/2 months old.  we decided to put him in a kennel at night and while we are away at work.  we knew the first couple of weeks were going to be tough, but got through it.  i try to make his kennel as comfortable as possible with a pillow and blankets.  my husband and i have a thing where whoever gets up first takes him outside then he goes back to bed with the other person.  after the first couple of weeks, he did great.  granted, he would get up earlier than we wanted, but now, we put him to bed and a couple of hours later he is crying and howling.  we are at our wits end trying to figure out what to do with him.  any suggestions?

Answer -
I have a question. Why do you still keep him in the kennel? Is he housebroken? Does he tear things up when you are not there? Can you not trust him to be alone?
At 6 1/2 I would suggest keeping him in a smaller area then the whole house but, not in the kennel. Maybe a kitchen or bathroom. As you can trust him you can give him more area. I wouldn't close the door to the bathroom or kitchen(garage, laundry room, sun room) I would put a child gate up so he isn't close in.
If he is housebroken i would remove the door of the kennel and allow him to go in or out. I would get him a dog bed or blanket outside of the kennel to sleep and nap during the day.
Put the kennel by the bed. If he whines or howls you can tap the top of the kennel and tell him "Quite". You may also keep a radio by his kennel and play it at a low volume.

Fellow beagle lover,


7 to 9 hours in the kennel is a very long time for a pup. But,we all have busy schedules.  If you are able you should come home for lunch. Who has the spare key to your house? That person(s) must be trustworthy and not to far away, right? Maybe they can take your beagle out during the day or maybe a neighbor.
You should read some of the old Q&A here to get some tips on chewing. Also, rotate his toys. Puppies love new toys. Put them away and rotate them. If he has a favorite toy you can let him keep that one (or two).
You can let him sleep in the bed and the crate (if your husband agrees). I was in the same situation as you. Our compromise was dog in kennel Mon-Thur, Beagle in the bed Fri-Sun. Of course, he will like the bed better.

Fellow beagle lover,
