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Puppy Beagle

19 15:01:39

We just adopted a 9 week old puppy Beagle from a rescue shelter, and have  a bit of trouble crate training her. We have her for two days and three nights now and have her roaming the house as to familiarize herself, BUT sometimes we miss the signs when she needs to poop. However when we do see them we quickly take her outside. Also, when we place her in the crate at night she cries, cries, cries till she eventually falls asleep. Should we just continue doing so in that manner, or does that cause anxiety and make it worse?

Hello Vasiliki!
I want to apologize for me taking so long, I had to replace my hard drive in my computer and took longer than I thought it would. Sometimes it can take some time to catch the signs that she needs to go for you and on her side it takes her a while to give the signs. If she scratches on anything, paces in certain ways (circles,back and forth), whines at the door, those are the major signs but some dogs catch on to them slowly. Crate training a puppy is hard because they are used to sleeping with their brothers and sisters and being warm and having the ability to roam. Its hard for them to change. That is something you will have to give time. She will get used to it eventually. But watch for signs of hairloss, non sociable, or crying during the day and those are major signs of anxiety. Good luck and I hope for the best!