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My Beagle refuses to walk

19 15:01:39

I've been walking my almost 2 year old beagle every evening after her dinner, and on weekends morning/afternoon. Recently after her dinner she just refuses to walk any more.  We tried carrying her out of the house but still no result. She'll just lay down by the pavement on all fours and if u try to pull her, she'll roll to her side. However the minute u said "go home" she'll get up and race back.

Hello Florence!
I want to apologize for me taking so long, I had to replace my hard drive in my computer and took longer than I thought it would. Has your beagle gone through any sudden weight changes? Also I want you to look in to possible arthritis. If he shifts his weight between one leg to other that could be a big sign. If the weather is humid, hot, cold or just not up to par with the dog that can be very frustrating. Check on those things and get back to me, this can be a hard subject because there could be many factors on him not wanting to walk. Check on those and get back to me. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.