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3 Beagles 1 lost

19 15:01:48

Hello Jack I still haven't found BabyGirl If all 3 were running together do they normally split up, The 2 boys made it back home but not my BabyGirl. She is so small 15lbs. I can't believe she isnt here I have ads in the paper on the radio and i had 250 postcards made up to send out to Vets and Shelters and to my neighbors I have already
mailed out fliers to all my neighbors and I work at the local post office so I have asked everyone that comes thru my door to please keep a eye out for my Babygirl. I have been back in the woods and still nothing I am hanging a shirt out for sent and letting the boys out in the evening so maybe she can hear them or smell them It will be 1 month this friday :( GOD I MISS MY BSBYGIRL

Hello Debbie.
I can't bear to hear this is breaks my heart so much. Sometimes they do split up. She could have smelled or heard something that the others didn't. I know this is hard for you. Like I said she may have just went very far. Have you called your surrounding humane societies? Like I said, I don't know if this will help, but if you give me your dog's information I can call around. My father owns our local veterinarian clinic and we get calls to dispatch calls for lost dogs a lot. I know you are heart broken, but never give up. Beagles are very smart. Sometimes yes, they do split up. They all have strong, but different sences of smell. If you have a local cable station, I would try to get them to display the message around. If you get your SPCA to help call them you might get a slot where you can get the message out. I want you to try throwing some dog food in the woods where she started to get missing. Trow a old sock something with a strong scent of you and your family. Keep me posted and I will try my best. I know you may be on the other side of the country, but I want to help because I know this is a painful time. Keep your faith up, and remember to always look right under your nose. I know someone out there will have the heart to find her and bring her back. Belive it or not we there are a few nice people left in this world (I hope). I will keep you and your Babygirl in my prayers. Once again keep me posted on the progress. A trainer comes into my Father's office on Mondays, and Thursdays I will ask her for help on what to do also. Good luck, and hang in there.