Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Beagles > Barking


19 15:02:02

Hello! I have a beagle that is 7 months old, I have had him since 3 months. Recently  he has been barking non-stop and won't stop. It can be anything from the televion to a car in the driveway? My sister told be that is a sign of aggression, is that true? What do I do?

Hello Susan. I highly doubt that your beagle is experiencing aggression, especially at that young of an age. Usually when a dog is experiencing aggression it shows its teeth, growls, and barks. But just a normal bark,I doubt its aggression. Your dog has been with you since three months it has gotten attached to you, and it protecting you. Beagles have a very ornate since of hearing a smelling. So when it hears something out of the ordinary it gets frightened and has the urge to protect. Beagles are also apart of the wonderful hound group so they have that howler of a bark, and yes they will bark at everything. My beagle will be two in September and she also barks at everything like the vacuum cleaner, TV, cats, birds, even when I turn the air conditioner on. It would be considered aggression if he was biting and showing teeth and growling at another living breathing object. When a car pulls into your driveway something clicks in his head and he wants to warn you that it could be potential danger, even though it isn't. I can be upstairs at my house and my beagle can tell be if the mail man comes to the door. So look at it as you have been giving your beagle a lot of love and he is protecting you. There are a couple of ways you can stop it, obedience training. Yourself can say NO firmly and point your index finger when he does it, and he will being to learn "I am doing something wrong." and lastly is a shock collar, but I don't recommend them for a beagle or any other hound for the simply reason that they are highly barking dogs. Well to sum everything up. No, I doubt it is aggression, just that beagle charm. If you have any more problems don't hesitate to ask me again. Thanks and Good Luck!