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help with new puppy

19 15:02:25

HI, I have bought a 4 mon. male beagle. He has a crate and I have wee wee pads for him.  We live in an apt. and he is confined to a kitchen. He can go to the wee pad while in the kitchen but if I let him in the other room he is allowed, he did not run back to the pad to pee. When I saw him peeing in the other room,I firmly told him "no" and picked him up and put him on the wee wee pad.  When I have seen him, whilst in the kitchen,  go back to the pad to pee and poo, I have praised him and petted him. NOw, he goes to the pad and chews it and I am having  to say "no" to him doing that.  I am worried that he will associate the no to the pad now.  I am not sure how to teach him how to go outside.  I really want this to be successful.  We fostered an older beagle who had potty issues and it was a nightmare. what do I do now?  How do I teach him to go outside when I have to take him out and can't just let him out the back door?  ALso, what is the best age to neuter him so he does not spray?  

Try taking the wee wee pad outside with you and placing it on the ground where you want him to go. It sounds like you are doing every thing right with your beagle but, as you may know beagles are a difficult bred to potty train. But, they are worth it.
Most vet's recommend neutering your pet at 6 months or before. You should consult with your vet to see what they recommend for your pup.
Fellow beagle lover,
