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Beagle Recall

19 15:00:24

Hello - I have a Beagle which I adopted from a rescue home and have a couple of questions. Her recall to voice and whistle is very good and she will come back to me the majority of the time. The problem that I have is not getting her to return to me but to get her to allow me to put the lead (leash) back on her. She seems to see it as an attempt by me to end her fun and a bit of a game for her to tease me as she knows I want her back on the lead. She will take the treats from my free hand but as soon as she's my other hand going to clip her collar, she's off! In her hierarchy she seems to see being off lead as  preferable to getting some sausage for returning to her lead. do you have any tips?

Also, I have difficulty in getting her to walk to heel. I have been told that this is impossible with beagles as they keep their noses to the ground but I am keen to get her to walk more nicely on the lead. Again, do you have any beagle specific tips?

Thanks for your help.


Hi Phil, sorry for the delay in answering.

Beagles are VERY food motivated, this is second on their list after sniffing! Find the treat that drives her crazy with desire and then ONLY use it for training sessions. whomever told you about beagles not being able to heel properly is wrong. They are more than capable, it jsut takes a little extra effort because they are so scent driven. One  of the ways is to teach what I have below about "watch me" so they get used to keeping their eyes on you at all times. Part of their walk should be free walking where they get to sniff and pee etc and then other part structured with a heel otherwise who would want to go on a walk?

First practice just doing "watch me". Get her in a sit and let her see you have a treat in your hand. When you are training her to do this hold the treat up in front of your forehead so she gets used to looking up at you in the eyes.The second she looks at you say "watch me" and give her a treat. Timing is everything with a dog so make it as immediate as you can. Do this over and over again until when you say watch me she looks you in the eyes automatically. This can then transfer over into her heeling and keeping her eyes locked on you. She can only do that by staying next to you in a heel postiion.

The other one you can work on is "TOUCH ME" This is very good for dogs that wont come. Treat in hand let her sniff it then back away a bit. Hold out your hand and when she comes to you and touches your hand in any way say "touch me" and treat her immediately.When she kind of gets the hang of it start saying touch me so she will come on that command. Eventually you will expect her to touch her nose to your hand in a specific way. This is called shaping.

With both of these exercises not only do you give the treat but make a big deal out of it by praising lavishly in a high excited voice.... Good touch me or Good watch me!

SOme other tidbits of wisdom, if you want a dog to come to you dont chase it, they think it is a game. Go the other direction and get them to follow you. NEVER ask a dog to come to you if it isnt going to be for something good, a treat, a praise etc. You do not want her to think that coming to you is a negative thing. Lastly, if your dog is not trained well enough yet to return to get her leash on she should not be off leash until she is.

I hope this is helpful info.... good luck!s