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Shy/Anxious Beagle

19 15:02:26

Hi, I have a 7 month old female beagle named Heidi.  I got Heidi from a breeder when she was 4 months old.  She was the second to last puppy in a litter of 10, and was crated in the breeders kitchen with her sister.  She was confined to a small space with some newspaper to pee on next to her food bowl and crate.  Since i've had her, she's been afraid of everything.  She pees all over herself in the car, and the first two months I had her she would eliminate all over her crate and lay in it, she's stopped doing that, and is pretty much house trained now (I don't let her out of my site in the house) My question is, what can I do to help her become more confident, and stop her from peeing in the car too?  Also, it seems like sometimes she's afraid to go to the bathroom outside, and will not go all day.  Thank

As for the car peeing, try taking her for short rides. Take her around the block and then keep increasing the length of the trip. Put her bed/blanket and/or favorite toy in the back seat with her.
It just sounds like Heidi is a shy beagle. I am sure she will grow out of it. Expose her to everything you can. Other dogs, horses, cats, wheelchairs, skateboards everything you can. I use to hold my beagle when I would expose him to new things. I had the neighborhood kids skateboard pass our house a few times and then stop and pet him. Soon instead of being scared to death of skateboards he loved them. He thought the skateboard meant that someone was going to pet him.
When was Heidi's last vet visit? It's odd that she will not go potty outside all day. Be sure to be with her outside so she is more secure.
Fellow beagle lover,
