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beagle teething problem

19 14:55:34

We got our first dog -a beagle- in April. He's now 10 months old, but he's still teething a lot. I don't think it's because he's bored because he gets a lot of exercise each day, and if he doesn't, the teething doesn't get worse. He often lays on my lap whilst i'm holding a chew toy for him, so it might be comfort? We can usually tell if his teeth are bothering him because his ears heat up. He doesn't chew up possessions as such, just things that are hard, like the handles of draws or cupboards. He went through a bad phase a few months back, and we saw he lost some of his baby teeth, but we've had a look and cant see any left, or any coming through. I was just wondering when the chewing would stop.
Hope you can help?

This is the age where their back molars come in, they have two periods of intense chewing, when they are a few months old and the permanent teeth come in and then again between 9-12 months when the molars come in. This is the time to provide him with some serious chew toys, rawhide, kongs, nylabones etc. And yes, it is time to dog proof the house again for awhile!