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My beagle started drooling

19 15:02:10

Buster is 15 weeks old and just started drooling today. I know that I need to take him to the vet but I was wondering if I could save myself a trip. I would hate to pay for a visit just for them to tell me that he is teething. So what do you think could cause this sudden drooling, do beagles drool while they are teething? He is cooped up sometimes because he nips a lot at the kids, he doesn't have any wierd symptoms to go along with it so I don't think he's sick, and he has plenty of water. He's just dripping! I don't know what brought it on and I need to know how to stop it. Have you heard of this in Beagles?  

Beagles do drooling while teething but, what you are describing seems excessive. Most of the time excessive drooling is from a foreign body in their mouth or throat (splinter?) or a gum infection. I would recommend seeing a vet.
You said he nips at the kids. Is he playing? or being aggressive? I would be more worried about that. You can read past q&a about biting or I will try to help in anyway I can with that.

Fellow beagle lover,
