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My beagle mix will shake her...

19 15:04:02

My beagle mix will shake her head like her ears are bothering her. On some days she will do this most of the time when she is up and moving around. Can you help?

Hi, this may be a duplicate answer as I thought I clicked send the first time but am not sure.

Your hunch is right on when you say it is like her ears are bothering her. This is the typical sign of a dog with ear problems. You need to take her to the vet right away as she probably does have an infection. Because beagles have long floppy ears which don't allow for much air circulation, they have a tendency to develop yeast infections which, require a prescription medication. In addition your vet should show you how to clean your dogs ears the first time and then it should be done weekly or bi-weekly depending on her ears.
