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sibling rivalry-Beagle and Papillion

19 15:02:00

My papillon, Toby, aggrevates my inherited beagle, Coby, by taking his bones and growling.  I know he is instigating these conflicts.  I have never had a hound before and know they require special treatment.  I love my beagle but my kids don't and are blaming him for all the fuss.  Please help!  The barking and sparing are ruining my nerves.

  Toby needs to be thought not to take his bones and things, beagles are very territorial dogs, and are spoiled much like a child and don't want to share so that is not his fault. When Toby takes the beagle's bone say NO and point your index finger at his snout, and he will learn he is doing something wrong. Now, a harder subject. A beagle is know to be the hardest dog to train because they are so complex at what they do (hunting, smelling). Beagles or hounds are the most barking dogs so that will need some special treatment. The beagle and the kids might be a potential problem because you don't want the beagle to feel neglected and unwanted that could lead to anxiety and you don't want that. Show your beagle and kids they can get along let them play together (fetch, swim, and run). If the baring becomes a "bad" problem then you might want to look in to a shock collar (I don't recommend one unless highly needed) and only use it for about 6 months to teach the beagle when it is ok to bark and when not to. My cousin has a beagle and he lives in a apartment and he used a shock collar for 3 months and it saved him a head ache and a possible eviction, and the beagle learned when its ok and not. Usually beagles bark because they are scared, protecting or playing. Example, mine likes to bark at the vacuum cleaner, or when someone pulls into the driveway. They are protective dogs and want to be loyal. They just need some hard obedience training. Try some of the things I mentioned and if you still have trouble please don't hesitate to ask me anything else! Good luck and hang in there beagles just learn a littler slower sometimes