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Senior Beagle Always Hungry

19 15:02:13

We have a 14yr old male beagle.  We feed him 1/3 cup of senior food in the am and 2-1/3 cups in the evening.  He gets about 3-4 biscuits (treats) a day too.  The problem, he starts barking at us a 6am everyday to feed him.  We try to hold him off until we are almost crazy. Then he barks at us at noon and  every hour in between until we feed him at 4pm.  The he starts barking for more food until we go to bed. Yes on occasion we have given in because he won't stop barking at us. (He is almost deaf, I'm not sure he hears himself bark) Needless to say he is overweight (also have large growths over his body contributing to the weight). We can't keep feeding him, but he just keeps barking.
What do you advise.
Thank you in advance.

Has this just started? Is he on any medication or new medication?
You are feeding him a lot of food as it is; 2.5 cups. Have you tried giving him green beans? Add some green beans in with his food in the am, give him some green beans at noon and then add some beans with his dinner meal. Green beans are filling but not fattening.
You may want to speak to your vet about getting a high fiber food. You will be able to feed him less but, he will feel full. Just a warning a high fiber dog food will make him go to the bathroom more.

Fellow beagle lover,
